OSI Ultimate Frisbee is a club for everyone interested in Ultimate Frisbee, whether you are a student or not, whether you have been playing for years, or never touched a disc before and whether you are here for good or just visiting for an exchange-semester. Our players range from national team-members to beginners, and everyone is welcome!
OSI Ultimate always attends the Norwegian Ultimate Series and the National Championship (5 tournaments). Any member of our club is welcome to join us in these tournaments, and we have no skill-cap.
Becoming a member
Membership fee is 440 NOK per semester. It includes OSI membership fee (140 NOK for students or 300 NOK for non-students, because OSI Ultimate is part of the larger "OSI") and Ultimate Frisbee club fee (300 NOK). Those fees are not required to join the first few practices, as in we won't throw you out if you haven't paid, but will be required after a certain date. The membership fees are the clubs main source of income, and every krone goes back to you, the players, in the form of jerseys and props for practice, tournament fees, etc.
Our practices are at SiO Athletica gyms, which you will need separate subscription to access. The fee is about 220 NOK per month for students and includes access to every SiO gym in Oslo. Check out prices at https://www.sio.no/en/sports/prices-and-terms for more information.
An additional license-fee will be added to those who wants to join a tournament in the Norwegian Series. This fee is 250 NOK and the license will last for one whole year. The Norwegian-American Sports Association are managing these licenses.
The Board
The board of the club currently consists of 4 motivated members with a desire to make the club both fun and welcoming, as well as a force to be reckoned with in the Norwegian Ultimate-scene.
E-mail: osi.ultimate@gmail.com
Instagram: OSI Ultimate